The Australian Government’s National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) Program works strategically to assist people with disability access and participate in tertiary education and subsequent employment, through a national network of regionally based NDCOs. The Australian Government’s National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) Program works strategically to assist people with disability access and participate in tertiary education and subsequent employment, through a national network of regionally based NDCOs. The NDCOs work with stakeholders at the local level to reduce systemic barriers, facilitate smooth transitions, build links and coordinate services between the education, training and employment sectors. The NDCO Program adopts the Disability Discrimination Act, 1992 definition of disability. The NDCO Program objectives are to:  improve linkages between schools, tertiary education providers, employment service providers and providers of disability programs and assistance at all government levels; improve transitions for people with disability between school / community and tertiary education, and then to subsequent employment; and improve participation by people with disability in tertiary education and subsequent employment.

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